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This week, I have a new question for our listeners: Imagine if women of color trusted the society around them and felt truly liberated. What would you do if you felt truly liberated and financially secure? Let us know what you think by calling 929-353-7006 and leaving a voicemail, or writing in here.

This week on Our Body Politic, political contributor Errin Haines and I reflect on the Presidential election and the role of Black women and women of color voters. Mutale Nkonde returns to talk about the actual impact of targeted voter suppression. Dr. Kimberly Moffitt gets into what it means to find truth in the information age, and a new ISPU study looks at how American Muslims build coalitions. Steven Thrasher applies the lessons learned from the AIDS epidemic to COVID. And science fiction author N.K Jemisin (pictured above) on how she finds inspiration in daily life. Plus, we hear from passionate voters on election day at polls across the country.